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Building a Kimball dimensional model with dbt

· 20 min read
Jonathan Neo
Data Engineer at Canva & Data Engineer Camp

Dimensional modeling is one of many data modeling techniques that are used by data practitioners to organize and present data for analytics. Other data modeling techniques include Data Vault (DV), Third Normal Form (3NF), and One Big Table (OBT) to name a few.

Data modeling techniques on a normalization vs denormalization scaleData modeling techniques on a normalization vs denormalization scale

While the relevance of dimensional modeling has been debated by data practitioners, it is still one of the most widely adopted data modeling technique for analytics.

Despite its popularity, resources on how to create dimensional models using dbt remain scarce and lack detail. This tutorial aims to solve this by providing the definitive guide to dimensional modeling with dbt.

By the end of this tutorial, you will:

  • Understand dimensional modeling concepts
  • Set up a mock dbt project and database
  • Identify the business process to model
  • Identify the fact and dimension tables
  • Create the dimension tables
  • Create the fact table
  • Document the dimensional model relationships
  • Consume the dimensional model

Dimensional modeling

Dimensional modeling is a technique introduced by Ralph Kimball in 1996 with his book, The Data Warehouse Toolkit.

The goal of dimensional modeling is to take raw data and transform it into Fact and Dimension tables that represent the business.

Raw 3NF data to dimensional modelRaw 3NF data to dimensional model

The benefits of dimensional modeling are:

  • Simpler data model for analytics: Users of dimensional models do not need to perform complex joins when consuming a dimensional model for analytics. Performing joins between fact and dimension tables are made simple through the use of surrogate keys.
  • Don’t repeat yourself: Dimensions can be easily re-used with other fact tables to avoid duplication of effort and code logic. Reusable dimensions are referred to as conformed dimensions.
  • Faster data retrieval: Analytical queries executed against a dimensional model are significantly faster than a 3NF model since data transformations like joins and aggregations have been already applied.
  • Close alignment with actual business processes: Business processes and metrics are modeled and calculated as part of dimensional modeling. This helps ensure that the modeled data is easily usable.

Now that we understand the broad concepts and benefits of dimensional modeling, let’s get hands-on and create our first dimensional model using dbt.

Part 1: Setup dbt project and database

Step 1: Before you get started

Before you can get started:

  • You must have either DuckDB or PostgreSQL installed. Choose one, and download and install the database using one of the following links:
  • You must have Python 3.8 or above installed
  • You must have dbt version 1.3.0 or above installed
  • You should have a basic understanding of SQL
  • You should have a basic understanding of dbt

Step 2: Clone the repository

Clone the github repository by running this command in your terminal:

git clone
cd dbt-dimensional-modelling/adventureworks

Step 3: Install dbt database adaptors

Depending on which database you’ve chosen, install the relevant database adaptor for your database:

# install adaptor for duckdb
python -m pip install dbt-duckdb

# OR

# install adaptor for postgresql
python -m pip install dbt-postgres

Step 4: Setup dbt profile

The dbt profile (see adventureworks/profiles.yml) has already been pre-configured for you. Verify that the configurations are set correctly based on your database credentials:

target: duckdb # leave this as duckdb, or change this to your chosen database

# supported databases: duckdb, postgres
type: duckdb
path: target/adventureworks.duckdb
threads: 12

type: postgres
host: localhost
user: postgres
password: postgres
port: 5432
dbname: adventureworks # create this empty database beforehand
schema: dbo
threads: 12

Step 5: Install dbt dependencies

We use packages like dbt_utils in this project, and we need to install the libraries for this package by running the command:

dbt deps 

Step 6: Seed your database

We are using dbt seeds (see adventureworks/seeds/*) to insert AdventureWorks data into your database:

# seed duckdb 
dbt seed --target duckdb

# seed postgres
dbt seed --target postgres

Step 7: Examine the database source schema

All data generated by the business is stored on an OLTP database. The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the database has been provided to you.

Examine the database source schema below, paying close attention to:

  • Tables
  • Keys
  • Relationships
Source schemaSource schema

Step 8: Query the tables

Get a better sense of what the records look like by executing select statements using your database's SQL editor.

For example:

select * from sales.salesorderheader limit 10; 


│ salesorderid │ shipmethodid │ billtoaddressid │ … │ salespersonid │ shipdate │ accountnumber │
│ int32 │ int32 │ int32 │ │ int32 │ timestamp │ varchar │
│ 43659 │ 5 │ 985 │ … │ 279 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000676 │
│ 43660 │ 5 │ 921 │ … │ 279 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000117 │
│ 43661 │ 5 │ 517 │ … │ 282 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000442 │
│ 43662 │ 5 │ 482 │ … │ 282 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000227 │
│ 43663 │ 5 │ 1073 │ … │ 276 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000510 │
│ 43664 │ 5 │ 876 │ … │ 280 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000397 │
│ 43665 │ 5 │ 849 │ … │ 283 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000146 │
│ 43666 │ 5 │ 1074 │ … │ 276 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000511 │
│ 43667 │ 5 │ 629 │ … │ 277 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000646 │
│ 43668 │ 5 │ 529 │ … │ 282 │ 2011-06-07 00:00:00 │ 10-4020-000514 │
│ 10 rows 23 columns (6 shown) │

When you’ve successfully set up the dbt project and database, we can now move into the next part to identify the tables required for a dimensional model.

Part 2: Identify the business process

Now that you’ve set up the dbt project, database, and have taken a peek at the schema, it’s time for you to identify the business process.

Identifying the business process is done in collaboration with the business user. The business user has context around the business objectives and business processes, and can provide you with that information.

Conversation between business user and analytics engineerConversation between business user and analytics engineer

Upon speaking with the CEO of AdventureWorks, you learn the following information:

AdventureWorks manufactures bicycles and sells them to consumers (B2C) and businesses (B2B). The bicycles are shipped to customers from all around the world. As the CEO of the business, I would like to know how much revenue we have generated for the year ending 2011, broken down by:

  • Product category and subcategory
  • Customer
  • Order status
  • Shipping country, state, and city

Based on the information provided by the business user, you have identified that the business process in question is the Sales process. In the next part, you are going to design a dimensional model for the Sales process.

Part 3: Identify the fact and dimension tables

Based on the information provided from the earlier part, we want to create a dimensional model that represents that business’ Sales process and also be able to slice and dice the data by:

  • Product category and subcategory
  • Customer
  • Order status
  • Shipping country, state, and city
  • Date (year, month, day)

Fact tables


Fact tables are database tables that represent a business process in the real world. Each record in the fact table represents a business event such as a:

  • Item sale
  • Website click
  • Production work order

There are two tables in the sales schema that catch our attention. These two tables can be used to create the fact table for the sales process:

  • The sales.salesorderheader table contains information about the credit card used in the order, the shipping address, and the customer. Each record in this table represents an order header that contains one or more order details.
  • The sales.salesorderdetail table contains information about the product that was ordered, and the order quantity and unit price, which we can use to calculate the revenue. Each record in this table represents a single order detail.
Sales Order Header and DetailSales Order Header and Detail

Let’s define a fact table called fct_sales which joins sales.salesorderheader and sales.salesorderdetail together. Each record in the fact table (also known as the grain) is an order detail.

fct_sales tablefct_sales table

Dimension tables


Dimension tables are used to represent contextual or descriptive information for a business process event. Examples of dimensions include:

  • Customer details: Who is the customer for a particular order number?
  • Website click location details: Which button is the user clicking on?
  • Product details: What are the details of the product that was added to the cart?

Based on the business questions that our business user would like answered, we can identify several tables that would contain useful contextual information for our business process:

  • person.address
  • person.countryregion
  • production.product
  • production.productcategory
  • sales.customer
  • And many more …

There are different ways we could create the dimension tables. We could use the existing relationships between the tables as depicted in the diagram below.

Snowflake schemaSnowflake schema

This is known as a snowflake schema design, where the fact table is the centre of the snowflake, and there are many fractals branching off the centre of the snowflake. However, this results in many joins that need to be performed by the consumer of the dimensional model.

Instead, we can denormalize the dimension tables by performing joins.

Star schemaStar schema

This is known as a star schema and this approach reduces the amount of joins that need to be performed by the consumer of the dimensional model.

Using the star schema approach, we can identify 6 dimensions as shown below that will help us answer the business questions:

Dimension tablesDimension tables
  • dim_product : a dimension table that joins product , productsubcategory, productcategory
  • dim_address : a dimension table that joins address , stateprovince, countryregion
  • dim_customer : a dimension table that joins customer , person , store
  • dim_credit_card : a dimension table created from creditcard
  • dim_order_status : a dimension table created by taking distinct statuses from salesorderheader
  • dim_date : a specially generated dimension table containing date attributes using the dbt_date package.

We have manually seeded the dim_date table since DuckDB is not supported by the dbt_date package.

In the next part, we use dbt to create the fact and dimension tables we have identified.

Part 4: Create the dimension tables

Let's first create dim_product . The other dimension tables will use the same steps that we’re about to go through.

Step 1: Create model files

Let’s create the new dbt model files that will contain our transformation code. Under adventureworks/models/marts/ , create two files:

  • dim_product.sql : This file will contain our SQL transformation code.
  • dim_product.yml : This file will contain our documentation and tests for dim_product .
└── marts
├── dim_product.sql
├── dim_product.yml

Step 2: Fetch data from the upstream tables

In dim_product.sql, you can select data from the upstream tables using Common Table Expressions (CTEs).

with stg_product as (
select *
from {{ ref('product') }}

stg_product_subcategory as (
select *
from {{ ref('productsubcategory') }}

stg_product_category as (
select *
from {{ ref('productcategory') }}


We use the ref function to reference the upstream tables and create a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the dependencies.

Step 3: Perform the joins

Next, perform the joins between the CTE tables using the appropriate join keys.


from stg_product
left join stg_product_subcategory on stg_product.productsubcategoryid = stg_product_subcategory.productsubcategoryid
left join stg_product_category on stg_product_subcategory.productcategoryid = stg_product_category.productcategoryid

Step 4: Create the surrogate key


Surrogate keys provide consumers of the dimensional model with an easy-to-use key to join the fact and dimension tables together, without needing to understand the underlying business context.

There are several approaches to creating a surrogate key:

  • Hashing surrogate key: a surrogate key that is constructed by hashing the unique keys of a table (e.g. md5(key_1, key_2, key_3) ).
  • Incrementing surrogate key: a surrogate key that is constructed by using a number that is always incrementing (e.g. row_number()).
  • Concatenating surrogate key: a surrogate key that is constructed by concatenating the unique key columns (e.g. concat(key_1, key_2, key_3) ).

We are using arguably the easiest approach which is to perform a hash on the unique key columns of the dimension table. This approach removes the hassle of performing a join with dimension tables when generating the surrogate key for the fact tables later.

To generate the surrogate key, we use a dbt macro that is provided by the dbt_utils package called generate_surrogate_key() . The generate surrogate key macro uses the appropriate hashing function from your database to generate a surrogate key from a list of key columns (e.g. md5(), hash()). Read more about the generate_surrogate_key macro.


{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['stg_product.productid']) }} as product_key,
from stg_product
left join stg_product_subcategory on stg_product.productsubcategoryid = stg_product_subcategory.productsubcategoryid
left join stg_product_category on stg_product_subcategory.productcategoryid = stg_product_category.productcategoryid

Step 5: Select dimension table columns

You can now select the dimension table columns so that they can be used in conjunction with the fact table later. We select columns that will help us answer the business questions identified earlier.


{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['stg_product.productid']) }} as product_key,
stg_product.productid, as product_name,
stg_product.class, as product_subcategory_name, as product_category_name
from stg_product
left join stg_product_subcategory on stg_product.productsubcategoryid = stg_product_subcategory.productsubcategoryid
left join stg_product_category on stg_product_subcategory.productcategoryid = stg_product_category.productcategoryid

Step 6: Choose a materialization type

You may choose from one of the following materialization types supported by dbt:

  • View
  • Table
  • Incremental

It is common for dimension tables to be materialized as table or view since the data volumes in dimension tables are generally not very large. In this example, we have chosen to go with table, and have set the materialization type for all dimensional models in the marts schema to table in dbt_project.yml

+materialized: table
+schema: marts

Step 7: Create model documentation and tests

Alongside our dim_product.sql model, we can populate the corresponding dim_product.yml file to document and test our model.

version: 2

- name: dim_product
- name: product_key
description: The surrogate key of the product
- not_null
- unique
- name: productid
description: The natural key of the product
- not_null
- unique
- name: product_name
description: The product name
- not_null

Step 8: Build dbt models

Execute the dbt run and dbt test commands to run and test your dbt models:

dbt run && dbt test 

We have now completed all the steps to create a dimension table. We can now repeat the same steps to all dimension tables that we have identified earlier. Make sure to create all dimension tables before moving on to the next part.

Part 5: Create the fact table

After we have created all required dimension tables, we can now create the fact table for fct_sales.

Step 1: Create model files

Let’s create the new dbt model files that will contain our transformation code. Under adventureworks/models/marts/ , create two files:

  • fct_sales.sql : This file will contain our SQL transformation code.
  • fct_sales.yml : This file will contain our documentation and tests for fct_sales .
└── marts
├── fct_sales.sql
├── fct_sales.yml

Step 2: Fetch data from the upstream tables

To answer the business questions, we need columns from both salesorderheader and salesorderdetail. Let’s reflect that in fct_sales.sql :

with stg_salesorderheader as (
status as order_status,
cast(orderdate as date) as orderdate
from {{ ref('salesorderheader') }}

stg_salesorderdetail as (
unitprice * orderqty as revenue
from {{ ref('salesorderdetail') }}


Step 3: Perform joins

The grain of the fct_sales table is one record in the SalesOrderDetail table, which describes the quantity of a product within a SalesOrderHeader. So we perform a join between salesorderheader and salesorderdetail to achieve that grain.


from stg_salesorderdetail
inner join stg_salesorderheader on stg_salesorderdetail.salesorderid = stg_salesorderheader.salesorderid

Step 4: Create the surrogate key

Next, we create the surrogate key to uniquely identify each row in the fact table. Each row in the fct_sales table can be uniquely identified by the salesorderid and the salesorderdetailid which is why we use both columns in the generate_surrogate_key() macro.


{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['stg_salesorderdetail.salesorderid', 'salesorderdetailid']) }} as sales_key,
from stg_salesorderdetail
inner join stg_salesorderheader on stg_salesorderdetail.salesorderid = stg_salesorderheader.salesorderid

Step 5: Select fact table columns

You can now select the fact table columns that will help us answer the business questions identified earlier. We want to be able to calculate the amount of revenue, and therefore we include a column revenue per sales order detail which was calculated above by unitprice * orderqty as revenue .


{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['stg_salesorderdetail.salesorderid', 'salesorderdetailid']) }} as sales_key,
from stg_salesorderdetail
inner join stg_salesorderheader on stg_salesorderdetail.salesorderid = stg_salesorderheader.salesorderid

Step 6: Create foreign surrogate keys

We want to be able to slice and dice our fact table against the dimension tables we have created in the earlier step. So we need to create the foreign surrogate keys that will be used to join the fact table back to the dimension tables.

We achieve this by applying the generate_surrogate_key() macro to the same unique id columns that we had previously used when generating the surrogate keys in the dimension tables.


{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['stg_salesorderdetail.salesorderid', 'salesorderdetailid']) }} as sales_key,
{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['productid']) }} as product_key,
{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['customerid']) }} as customer_key,
{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['creditcardid']) }} as creditcard_key,
{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['shiptoaddressid']) }} as ship_address_key,
{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['order_status']) }} as order_status_key,
{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['orderdate']) }} as order_date_key,
from stg_salesorderdetail
inner join stg_salesorderheader on stg_salesorderdetail.salesorderid = stg_salesorderheader.salesorderid

Step 7: Choose a materialization type

You may choose from one of the following materialization types supported by dbt:

  • View
  • Table
  • Incremental

It is common for fact tables to be materialized as incremental or table depending on the data volume size. As a rule of thumb, if you are transforming millions or billions of rows, then you should start using the incremental materialization. In this example, we have chosen to go with table for simplicity.

Step 8: Create model documentation and tests

Alongside our fct_sales.sql model, we can populate the corresponding fct_sales.yml file to document and test our model.

version: 2

- name: fct_sales

- name: sales_key
description: The surrogate key of the fct sales
- not_null
- unique

- name: product_key
description: The foreign key of the product
- not_null

- name: customer_key
description: The foreign key of the customer
- not_null


- name: orderqty
description: The quantity of the product
- not_null

- name: revenue
description: The revenue obtained by multiplying unitprice and orderqty

Step 9: Build dbt models

Execute the dbt run and dbt test commands to run and test your dbt models:

dbt run && dbt test 

Great work, you have successfully created your very first fact and dimension tables! Our dimensional model is now complete!! 🎉 

Part 6: Document the dimensional model relationships

Let’s make it easier for consumers of our dimensional model to understand the relationships between tables by creating an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

Final dimensional model ERDFinal dimensional model ERD

The ERD will enable consumers of our dimensional model to quickly identify the keys and relationship type (one-to-one, one-to-many) that need to be used to join tables.

Part 7: Consume dimensional model

Finally, we can consume our dimensional model by connecting our data warehouse to our Business Intelligence (BI) tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and Looker.

Most modern BI tools have a built-in semantic layer that supports relationships between tables, which is required if we want to consume the dimensional models directly without any additional data transformation.

In Looker for example, we can define relationships using LookML:

explore: fct_order {
join: dim_user {
sql_on: ${fct_order.user_key} = ${dim_user.user_key} ;;
relationship: many_to_one

If your BI tool doesn’t have a semantic layer that supports relationships, then you will have to reflect that relationship by creating a One Big Table (OBT) that joins the fact table against all of its dimension tables.

with f_sales as (
select * from {{ ref('fct_sales') }}

d_customer as (
select * from {{ ref('dim_customer') }}

d_credit_card as (
select * from {{ ref('dim_credit_card') }}

d_address as (
select * from {{ ref('dim_address') }}

d_order_status as (
select * from {{ ref('dim_order_status') }}

d_product as (
select * from {{ ref('dim_product') }}

d_date as (
select * from {{ ref('dim_date') }}

{{'fct_sales'), relation_alias='f_sales', except=[
"product_key", "customer_key", "creditcard_key", "ship_address_key", "order_status_key", "order_date_key"
]) }},
{{'dim_product'), relation_alias='d_product', except=["product_key"]) }},
{{'dim_customer'), relation_alias='d_customer', except=["customer_key"]) }},
{{'dim_credit_card'), relation_alias='d_credit_card', except=["creditcard_key"]) }},
{{'dim_address'), relation_alias='d_address', except=["address_key"]) }},
{{'dim_order_status'), relation_alias='d_order_status', except=["order_status_key"]) }},
{{'dim_date'), relation_alias='d_date', except=["date_key"]) }}
from f_sales
left join d_product on f_sales.product_key = d_product.product_key
left join d_customer on f_sales.customer_key = d_customer.customer_key
left join d_credit_card on f_sales.creditcard_key = d_credit_card.creditcard_key
left join d_address on f_sales.ship_address_key = d_address.address_key
left join d_order_status on f_sales.order_status_key = d_order_status.order_status_key
left join d_date on f_sales.order_date_key = d_date.date_key

In the OBT above, we perform joins between the fact and dimension tables using the surrogate keys.

Using, we select all columns except the surrogate key columns since the surrogate keys don't hold any meaning besides being useful for the joins.

We can then build the OBT by running dbt run. Your dbt DAG should now look like this:

Final dbt DAGFinal dbt DAG

Congratulations, you have reached the end of this tutorial. If you want to learn more, please see the learning resources below on dimensional modeling.

Learning resources

If you have any questions about the material, please reach out to me on the dbt Community Slack (@Jonathan Neo), or on LinkedIn.

Author's note: The materials in this article were created by Data Engineer Camp, a 16-week data engineering bootcamp for professionals looking to transition to data engineering and analytics engineering. The article was written by Jonathan Neo, with editorial and technical guidance from Kenny Ning and editorial review from Paul Hallaste and Josh Devlin.

